Macaroni salad
Michael wrote:
> "Billy" <Hereiam@hotmaildotcom> wrote in message
> ...
>>Carla's Macaroni Salad
>>pasta, salads
>>16 oz macaroni cooked
>>1 pint mayonnaise
>>1 can eagle condensed milk
>>1 cup vinegar
>>4 carrots, grated
>>1 onion, chopped
>>1 pepper, chopped
> A can of condensed milk, now that's just nasty.
There are cream sauces that work well with a pasta salad but ... maybe
'condensed milk' is an acquired taste, like olive oil.
A nice cream sauce, or mustard cream sauce, or even a horseradish,
apple, walnut cream sauce can be very nice with pasta, hot or cold.