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Arri London Arri London is offline
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Default Reusing pickle "juice".

Marie Dodge wrote:
> Hi fellow cook-heads. I can pickles and I'm finding I'm throwing away a
> 1/2 pt of delicious Bread and Butter "pickle
> juice" every time we finish a jar. This is a vinegar/sugar based juice as
> you know. I find this very wasteful. Can it be reused to make more pickles?
> We don't eat salads including potato salad due to being on a low-carb diet
> so it's either reboil it and make more B&B pickles or........ ???
> The sugar in the "juice" is a rare treat for us but more carbs are out. No
> one here eats regular salads either. They end up on the compost heap.
> Thoughts and ideas please.

We reuse good pickle juice to make more fridge pickles. Can't comment on
its reuse for canned pickles cos we don't can them LOL.
Juice from half-sour pickles and from kosher-type dills can be reused as
We boil it, adjust the seasoning if needed and pickle away; not just
cucumbers, but other vegetables or eggs. Jars cleaned in hot soapy
water, rinsed in hot water and filled while hot.

The pickle juice can be part of a salad dressing too, if liked.