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hahabogus hahabogus is offline
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Default I remembered the bags!

"Nancy Young" > wrote in

> Lin wrote:
>> Nancy Young wrote:
>>> A couple of weeks ago I went to the farmer's market,
>>> everyone is all organic, direct from the farm to you. So I show up
>>> to buy vegetables and flowers, oh, can I have a
>>> bag? A plastic one? Everyone else had their canvas grocery
>>> bags with them. Just not me.
>>> So, I went back yesterday and remembered! to bring my
>>> bags. I felt quite virtuous. Heh.

>> I have a canvas bag with the logo of a particular group of growers.
>> When I go to a different association's market, I bring a plain woven
>> basket.

> That's funny. I have thought I'd feel funny bring a bag from
> one store to another store, like it's a secret I'm shopping
> elsewhere too. Cheating.
>>I still get the plastic bags occasionally to separate things
>> in my bag or basket, but usually I bring my own plastic (it came from
>> them originally in any case). As a bonus, I've had the various
>> vendors throw in an extra piece of produce or round the price down
>> when I bring my own plastic.

> That's nice. Not necessary, but nice.
>> I do end up with a lot of plastic bags in any given week and they go
>> to the reclaiming center or bag recycling bin at the grocery store.

> ditto. I drop them off once in a while after I've collected a bunch.
> Even better would be remembering to bring the stinkin' bags with
> me so I didn't collect so many plastic bags to start with.
>> Green(er) is good(er)!

> I be tryin.
> nancy

I took a empty paper towel tube and stuffed it full of plastic grocery
bags and keep it in the car. For use at those times when you need a bag
and don't have one or forgot your canvass ones at home.


The house of the burning beet-Alan