Macaroni salad
George wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
>> Michael wrote:
>>> "Billy" <Hereiam@hotmaildotcom> wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> Carla's Macaroni Salad
>>>> pasta, salads
>>>> 16 oz macaroni cooked
>>>> 1 pint mayonnaise
>>>> 1 can eagle condensed milk
>>>> 1 cup vinegar
>>>> 4 carrots, grated
>>>> 1 onion, chopped
>>>> 1 pepper, chopped
>>> A can of condensed milk, now that's just nasty.
>> It would be safe to say that this is a hoax. The proportions are out
>> of whack and well, as you say, condensed milk in this context is real
>> nasty. :-)
> It reminded me of those salads you see at big box delis that are
> swimming in white liquid and almost look like soup because they have so
> much liquid.
That's one of the mysteries of American food - maybe it's an attempt to
give you, the consumer, soup AND salad. :-)
Billy got it wrong - this is probably one of those exotic Iron Chief
sweet and sour macaroni ice cream mix...