Macaroni salad
dsi1 wrote:
> Michael wrote:
>> "Billy" <Hereiam@hotmaildotcom> wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Carla's Macaroni Salad
>>> pasta, salads
>>> 16 oz macaroni cooked
>>> 1 pint mayonnaise
>>> 1 can eagle condensed milk
>>> 1 cup vinegar
>>> 4 carrots, grated
>>> 1 onion, chopped
>>> 1 pepper, chopped
>> A can of condensed milk, now that's just nasty.
> It would be safe to say that this is a hoax. The proportions are out of
> whack and well, as you say, condensed milk in this context is real
> nasty. :-)
Now you make me want to start a project where we try the recipes that
are obviously jokes and report back to see how they end up tasting.
"I think I have an umami receptor that has developed sentience." -- Stef