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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Eating sushi & sashimi with fingers

dsi1 > wrote:

>Blinky the Shark wrote:

>> I'm probably not sushially correct; I mix some wasabi into my soy sauce
>> and then I dip. Am I a barbarian?

>You're a barbarian. Always place the wasabi into the cute little dish
>first and pour the soy sauce on top while stirring with chopstick.

Neither is correct. Place only soy sauce into the dish.
Use a chopstick to transfer wasabi directly to the sushi / sashimi.
If it's sashimi, also dip it in the soy sauce in the dish.
(It's not even technically correct to let soy sauce touch the sushi

>BTW, as you know, that green stuff is really colored horseradish. Mostly
>we don't get real wasabi in this country.

And why should they send us the real stuff if we're gonna waste
80% of it by mixing it into soy sauce that will remain behind in
the little dish?

I love actual wasabi. Grating it with a microplane works pretty
