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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Eating sushi & sashimi with fingers

dsi1 > wrote:

>What I have noticed recently is that it seems the restaurants over here
>are now making nigiri without a dab of horseradish under the fish - the
>wimpification of sushi? It looks like I'll have to start lifting the
>sushi lid and dabbing the wasabi onto the rice myself, that's not right!

I've noticed that too. I always apply some wasabi to the top
of the nigiri anyway, but there should be a little in the middle
of it, I agree.

>The truth is that I've tasted only tube wasabi - there's no source of
>wasabi root over here. :-(

Some tubes have a fraction of real wasabi in them. Usually you
can tell by looking at the ingredient list.

The stuff in sushi restaurants is normally reconstituted from
a powder, and never saw the inside of a tube.
