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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Posts: 4,409
Default Eating sushi & sashimi with fingers

dsi1 wrote:

> Blinky the Shark wrote:
>> Yeah, I recently learned that it's not The Real Thing. I was shocked, I
>> tell you. Shocked! Then, withing probably twenty seconds, I realized
>> that that didn't actually bother me at all.

> You should be shocked and devastated. Real wasabi is twenty-five
> thousand times better than artificially colored horseshit, and about
> twice as good as green horseradish. If you knew the real truth, you'd
> kill yourself right away without even thinking.

Manifest destiny requires that I escape death until after I've led my
posse to domination of the planet.

> BTW, have you noticed that in the last month, your favorite giant
> internet corporation Google, has fundamentally changed it's
> search/result algorithm? And that nobody seems to have noticed? My
> website used to get excellent placement but now has dropped off the map
> and has been replaced with mostly third-party listings and it appears
> that they've devalued non-sponsored commercial sites? I was dissing

Because I do alt.www.webmaster and related groups, I know that they do
change from time to time; every so often there will be similar reports
about "hey, why did I just fall off the short list?"

> GoogooGroupes just a tiny bit during the time this happened and this is
> feeding my paranoia. Please reassure me that I'm just nuts. Thanks! :-)

The good news is that you're nuts.

Well, you asked for it.

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