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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Chicken caccitore

amandaF > wrote:

>In the following recipe, what can I use instead of red wine? I have
>red wine vinegar.

I would use vegetable broth. It's also probably use a white
wine before a red wine, certainly before a gutsy red wine.

This recipe is a LOT like the way I make CC. Except that
after sauteeing just the chicken, I transfer all ingredients
to a heated pot (e.g. a Le Creuset) and into the oven.
And I include mushrooms.

And you don't need 3/4 cup of wine/liquid, even for the
full recipe.

>BTW, what would happen if I use fresh tomatoes instead of canned ones?

Works wonderfully.

>Also, I need to reduce the servin serve to 1or 2. Any help?

Yes, for two healthy appetites use two whole legs, or six
thighs instead of a whole chicken. Alternatively, freeze
any leftover. It becomes a real convenience food in the freezer.

[recipe snipped]

I like serving polenta alongside or under it. There tends to be
some liquid, and polenta, pasta, or gnocchi can soak it up.

This can be killer stuff, just use good ingredients and
fresh spices.
