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Stan Horwitz Stan Horwitz is offline
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Default Food to mark opening of the Olympics

In article
Search > wrote:

> Hi
> I'm just wondering if people are planning to cook up Chinese food for
> the opening ceremony of the Olympics.

Is it just me, or am I the only one who has no interest in the Olympics?
I think its terrible that the Olympics are being held in China because
of the intense pollution and the government oppression. An area where
reporters can't report effectively, where the citizens' rights are
heavily suppressed by their government, and where athletes have to wear
masks in order to breath isn't my idea of a good Olympics venue. Its
enough that the Chinese government is a huge debt holder of the United
States, but I don't have to allow them to showcase their country in my
living room.

Long before the Chinese were invited to host these games, I considered
the Olympics a scam. I don't encourage any athletes to boycott the games
because China is hosting them, that should be their decision. On the
other hand, I have been boycotting the Olympics since 1976, which is
when I realized the games were a commercial sporting event designed to
separate me from my money.

I don't plan to watch any of the Olympics contests, nor have I done so
since 1976 because they are all just commercials interspersed with a few
seconds here and there of athletics and because amateurism was tossed
out the window.

I would watch the games if they were what they are purported to be,
contests among dedicated amateur athletes from various nations. What the
Olympic games really are, is an attempt by professional athletes to
pursue even more advertising dollars and for national governments to
gloat that they won the Olympics to give their citizens some sort of
misplaced sense of national pride. No thanks. Its a shame that the
Olympics have become so distorted from what they used to be; the
original concept was wonderful.

I enjoy watching the opening ceremonies, but not this time. If I were to
watch the opening ceremony, I supposed I would serve a Chinese dinner?
Seems only appropriate considering the venue is China.