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Vilco[_1_] Vilco[_1_] is offline
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Default (2008-08-05) NS-RFC: Remembering the shopping bags...

jmcquown wrote:

>>> We probably remember our bags 70% of the time or so. When we
>>> don't, I just get paper ones and use them for things like
>>> collecting paper recyclables, setting out Freecycle goods, and
>>> draining fried foods.

>> Draining fried foods?

> Yep. Plain brown paper bags work better than paper towels for
> absorbing excess grease from (deep) fried foods. Mom taught me that
> trick years ago.

True, and it makes me remember that in Veneto they serve "scartosso de
pesse" in brown paper, and it's just a bunch of small fried fishes and small
fried squids. An old street-food born in the northern adriatic coast.
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