Thread: Macaroni salad
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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Macaroni salad

On Wed 06 Aug 2008 12:23:53a, Serene Vannoy told us...

> Goomba wrote:
>> Serene Vannoy wrote:
>>> Kliserup wrote:
>>>> Can someone please help me out with a recipe for a simple but tasty
>>>> macaroni salad? TIA
>>> Cook macaroni. Add mince onion, grated carrot, and diced bell pepper
>>> to taste. Toss with enough mayo to moisten, and a little bit of celery
>>> seed, salt, and pepper.
>>> It always goes quickly at my parties.
>>> Serene

>> And you aren't adding all that (gross) sugar! Gak!

> There's no sugar in macaroni salad!! :-)
> (James likes a little sweetness in his potato salad -- sweet relish or
> something with a little touch of sugar. I don't like it that much, but
> occasionally, I'll do it for his sake. He doesn't like macaroni salad at
> all, though, so my macaroni salad is always safe from sugary additions.)
> Serene

Not so with this recipe that you're volunteering to make, however.
Sweetened condensed milk is *extremely* sweet. The other thing that seems
very odd is the volume of "liquidy" ingredients (mayo, condensed milk, and
vinegar) in relation to the quantity of macaroni. I can't imagine anyone
really liking this combination.

Wayne Boatwright
Wednesday, 08(VIII)/06(VI)/08(MMVIII)
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