Thread: Beets
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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Beets

On Wed 06 Aug 2008 08:12:12a, blake murphy told us...

> On Tue, 05 Aug 2008 19:39:47 -0700, Blinky the Shark wrote:
>> Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>>> Blinky wrote:
>>>>> It's easier just to go by weight: If the other vendor's beets
>>>>> weighed twice as much, then it was appropriate to charge twice as
>>>>> much.
>>>> Y'know, the more I think of this, the more I think you're right that
>>>> they were at least a quarter larger in diameter, and thus they were
>>>> both pricing by approximate weight. Because it's not like those two
>>>> stalls were adjacent so that I could take in both displays at a
>>>> glance. So I'll bet I wouldn't even have perceived a difference any
>>>> smaller than than your example. Also, the only other product for
>>>> which I noticed prices accross multiple vendors was strawberries --
>>>> and everybody had them at the same price, $3 per box, $7 for three,
>>>> without fail. So it's not like the two beetistas would have been
>>>> unaware of each other's prices.
>>> In that case, you have to decide which you value mo The beet root
>>> or the greens and stalks. The larger beets will have a higher
>>> root-to-green ratio, so if you like the roots better then you should
>>> buy the larger beets. (That's assuming both vendors *were* charging
>>> the same rate per pound.)

>> So the tops stop growing and the roots continue, at some point? I've
>> never been a farmer.

> they don't get to the beach much, so you probably haven't eaten one
> either.
> your pal,
> blake

Really large beets can develop a "pithy" or woody texture. There seems to
be a cutoff point at which bigger is still good to eat.

Wayne Boatwright
Wednesday, 08(VIII)/06(VI)/08(MMVIII)
Sometimes you're the windshield,
sometimes you're the bug.