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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default Food to mark opening of the Olympics

hahabogus wrote:

> Andy <q> wrote in :
>> kilikini said...
>>> Stan Horwitz wrote:
>>>> In article
>>>> >,
>>>> Search > wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> I'm just wondering if people are planning to cook up Chinese food
>>>>> for the opening ceremony of the Olympics.
>>>> Is it just me, or am I the only one who has no interest in the
>>>> Olympics? I think its terrible that the Olympics are being held in
>>>> China because of the intense pollution and the government
>>>> oppression. An area where reporters can't report effectively, where
>>>> the citizens' rights are heavily suppressed by their government, and
>>>> where athletes have to wear masks in order to breath isn't my idea
>>>> of a good Olympics venue. Its enough that the Chinese government is
>>>> a huge debt holder of the United States, but I don't have to allow
>>>> them to showcase their country in my living room.
>>> Maybe I'm an Olympics Scrooge, too, Stan, but I have no desire to
>>> watch them, either. It's the Summer Olympics, anyway. Do I want to
>>> watch people run around a track like Human Nascars? Not really.
>>> *If* I ever watch an Olympic sport, it's wintertime and it's the Luge
>>> or the Ski Jump.
>>> I also don't agree with the politics of where the Summer Olympics are
>>> being held this year.
>>> kili

>> YOU GUYS!?!
>> It's a world competition! The best of the best! Kids have worked so
>> hard to arrive and compete. It's not their fault it's held in China!
>> Watch the Olympics and root for your country's Olympic athletes!!!
>> This is no time for apathy!!!!!!
>> Imho,
>> Andy

> It is just another sports event....commercialized to death.

I'm disinterested in it, too -- but when the best athletes in the *world*
compete in about a million different categories, it's hardly "just another
sports event".

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