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Default veg eating in vienna - fab!

hello all,
returned from my adventures. was worried about finding veg food in the land
of schnitzel, but there turned out to be veg restuarants all over the place!
and really awesome ones too. the best part was that most of the ones i went
to were very vegan friendly but also had lacto-ovo options and one even had
fish, which was good since my dad was able to find food to his liking. my
fave was a place called the bio bar, they had this awesome dish (probably
the most yummy thing i've ever eaten in my life) which was beer battered
tofu served with this vegetable curry-ish concoction - seemed like a spinach
and lentil thing with these itty bitty potatoes in it. soooooo gooooood.
i've got to try to make that. one thing though is that when the chef is
different, the same thing ordered on the menu comes out almost completely
different; different vegetables and everything. that's kinda weird, but
good for variety if you're a regular, i guess. they also had some awesome
desserts. still have a chunk of their nougat sitting in my fridge - you can
only eat a tiny bit of that stuff at a time, it's so good. another good
place was inkal, it had really delish bruschetta, and i tried a vegan
schnitzel there (which was tasty, but all that wheat gluten & side fries
didn't sit well with me!) the most posh place we went to was called wrenkh,
good food, great presentation. a really nice atmosphere. they had these
really good non-deep-fried springrolls in a rice wrapper. and a yummy
tofukebab. the only other place i really went to was a veg-friendly chinese
place, this huge 2-storey place that had neat decorating, i think it was
called go wok. their menu had a good legend on it for what was vegetarian.
pretty tasty food too. anyhow, i found all but the last of these
restaurants on the happy cow website (there are many more out there, but i
didn't wind up finding them). here's the link: