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Victor Sack[_1_] Victor Sack[_1_] is offline
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Default REC: Braised Red Cabbage (German Rotkoh)

Margaret Suran > wrote:

> Every year after Passover, there is an almost full bottle of kosher
> Manischewitz Red Concord Wine left over in my home.

Why, for heavens' sake?! There are any number of drinkable kosher wines
on the market nowadays. Some perfectly good Israeli kosher wines can be
bought at one of my regular groceries any day of the week.

> It is the best wine
> to use for Red Cabbage, whether you make it from scratch or gussy up the
> contents of a jar of Red Cabbage.

Why not eat a sweet cake instead?

> It is also the only way to get rid of
> this left over wine, unless you pour it down the kitchen sink or the
> toilet bowl. )

The best way to get rid of it is to let someone else buy it and drink,
or otherwise dispose of it, somewhere else.
