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Default veg eating in vienna - fab!

"katie" > wrote in message
> hello all,
> returned from my adventures. was worried about finding veg food in the

> of schnitzel, but there turned out to be veg restuarants all over the

> and really awesome ones too. the best part was that most of the ones i

> to were very vegan friendly but also had lacto-ovo options and one even

> fish, which was good since my dad was able to find food to his liking. my
> fave was a place called the bio bar, they had this awesome dish (probably
> the most yummy thing i've ever eaten in my life) which was beer battered
> tofu served with this vegetable curry-ish concoction - seemed like a

> and lentil thing with these itty bitty potatoes in it. soooooo gooooood.
> i've got to try to make that. one thing though is that when the chef is
> different, the same thing ordered on the menu comes out almost completely
> different; different vegetables and everything.

Maybe I'm just used to uniformity, but when I order things from a restaurant
I want it to look and taste the same every time I order it. If I want
something different, I'll order something different.
