<sf> wrote:
> On Thu, 07 Aug 2008 03:54:58 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> > wrote:
> >I can' remember the last time I ever read a less than insulting post from
> >you in response to something I wrote, so I'm not the least bit surprised
> >anything you do write.
> Calm down Wayne.... when has he been civil to anyone, especially
> lately?
Totally OT:
Speaking of "civil", here's a l'il "stab from the rfc past". I don't know
who's meaner, Martha or me...lol:
[posted on alt.radio.talk.dr-laura where Martha Hughes was once a
"Here's a pretty funny tongue - in - cheek article about using "hand signs"
at metal concerts. Black Metal MOTHRA has to CLUELESSLY sail in and attack
the author as a "retard" in the "comments" section. Much EXCELLENT hilarity
ensues, see my comment at the end...::
Black Metal Martha writes::
"Who the **** is the retard who wrote that worthless piece of shit
Obviously NOT a true metalhead, just a wannabe who's bored with alt rock.
What, bored with the White Stripes now? LOLOLOLOL
I've been in metal over 20 years, and we would NOT be caught dead using
those DORKY hand signs. HAHAHAHA!
But, we would laugh at you guys in your girl's pants and emo haircuts.
DEATH TO FALSE POSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And no, you CANNOT be part of our music, nor use our symbols.
Duncan Davidson replies:
"I find Black Metal Martha to be laughable, and yet frightening, in the vein
of the Just Say No commercial, where the 35 year old dude is smoking weed in
his room and his mom calls out to him to get a job, to which he replies: "I
will tomorrow, Ma." Your strident calls for death to posers point out that
your two-decades deep in the trenches of molten metal were mainly spent in
your room burning the wizard bong at both ends and throwing the 8-sided die.
Don't get out much, eh? Well, high school's over, Martha. In real life, you
can listen to metal AND have a sense of humor. Yes, even about metal.
Seriously, how can you listen to the operatic, Nightmare Before Christmas
cluster**** that is black metal--ooh, scary--without a sense of humor? Must
be rough..."
Kyle replies:
"Black Metal Martha: Do real metalheads use LOLs? What's the official
position on smileys? Is there a Talmudic interpretation of metalspeak?..."
Gregory Morrow replies:
"Yes, Black Metal Martha IS laughable. On the various Usenet groups on which
she used to post we referred to her as "Mothra" and "The World's Oldest
Teeny Bopper". When she got angry and had her atomic meltdowns - which were
several times per day it seemed - I'd chide her, saying, "Oh look, Mothra is
MAD because her copy of _Tiger Beat_ is late..."...
I see that instead of mellowing a bit as she has aged she has gotten angrier
and more "manic". Not pretty for someone pushing 50, but I guess if I were a
Black Metal Martha living an extended adolescence in a crummy studio flat in
a gang - infested nabe I'd be plenty ****ed too...
And yeah, music is something to be real passionate about but in the end it's
*only* music - just because someone's taste differs is NOT a reason to wish
them DEAD, fer cryin' out loud!
Martha is the *real* "poser" because she is obsessed with appearing "neat",
"cool", "sophisticated", etc...
Maybe she has esteem "issues" because in junior high school she couldn't
afford as many mohair sweaters as the pretty rich blonde girls had...who