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Vilco[_1_] Vilco[_1_] is offline
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Default REC: Beware! NO Canned Soup [risotto alla parmigiana]

sf wrote:

> Thanks for the recipe. I'm a huge chicken when it comes to risotto.
> Love it, love it, love it.... but I'm afraid of making it for some
> reason, so it's one of my pleasures to order to order in a restaurant
> (and critique when they don't get it right).
> I'm thinking risotto might be a good dish for a virtual cook-in over
> on the chat channel one day, because there are so many variations.

True, even for the same risotto you can find many variants. Just for this
rice "alla parmigiana" one could toast the rice or not, toast it as per
instructions or toast it aside without liquids, one could rinse the rice to
reduce it's starch while another wouldn't... risotto is a very versatile
dish, although it is not something which always turns out good. Anyway you
make it, you've to make it well.

> snip
>> 1 quarter broth (veg. or meat as you prefer)

> snip

> I'm going to assume until corrected that "quarter" should read
> "quart".

As Giusi pointed out, yes, it should have read "1 quart".
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