Thread: Macaroni salad
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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Macaroni salad

enigma wrote:
> i haven't seen the book. the chocolate chip varieties had the
> same base batter (well, the white chocolate macadamia had less
> brown sugar), but the oatmeal was different & the peanut
> butter, of course. that job is the reason i can't stand peanut
> butter cookies anymore. somehow the smell of a 25 pound bucket
> of peanut butter at 5:30am just turned my stomach... even
> though the mall didn't oficially open until 9:30am, the mall
> walkers were allowed in at 7:30am, so i had to have the
> muffins (6 varieties), coffee & at least 3 varieties of
> cookies (which had to include one chocolate chip variation,
> the peanut butter & one of my choice) ready by 7:29am.
> i have no idea why i had to have cookies that early. i can't
> remember ever selling any before 9, & the cookies had to be
> taken out & 'discarded' after an hour (we froze them in big
> bags and they went to the soup kitchen)
> i'd also make a second batch of blueberry & raspberry
> muffins for lunchtime, which wasn't exactly company policy,
> but they sold well then so...
> lee

I thought they all tasted the same. I forget the varieties we got.

I can understand your aversion to peanut butter cookies. I,
chocolholic, have actually found that when I cook something very
chocolate-y, that I might get rather sated just on the smell!
Breathing such a smell day after day might really be a turn-off.
Jean B.