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hahabogus hahabogus is offline
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Default Beware! Contains Canned Soup

"Nancy Young" > wrote in
> hahabogus wrote:
>> "Nancy Young" > wrote

>>> but I do have a hankering to make brisket or
>>> pot roast or something like that.

>> In the summer that's what a smoker is for...brisket and smoked
>> roasts. Even smoked meatloaf. And the smoked fruits ain't bad either.

> I haven't gotten into the smoking thing, myself.
> Question about smoking, and I'm serious, does it create a
> lot of smoke, like the whole neighborhood gets smoked out,
> or knows you're smoking something?
> nancy

Well there is a smouldering I'd say yes anybody in the general
area would know somebody was smoking; just like anybody would know if you
had a fireplace lit or were BBQing. But no column of smoke visible for
miles kinda thing. Your neighbours wouldn't need gasmasks or be anymore
put off than if you BBQ and they could smell that. I sit beside my
smoker..well maybe a foot away, so there can't be that much smoke (I have
lung problems...remember). But there are small clouds of smoke, but not
dense thick choking clouds...more along the lines of campfire clouds of
smoke. Your neighbors could still enjoy thier backyard...hell you could
enjoy your back yard. A more common complaint might be you drank too much
beer and got rowdy while tending the smoker.

PS No the fire trucks won't be racing to your door...not THAT much smoke.


The house of the burning beet-Alan