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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Food to mark opening of the Olympics

Blinky the Shark said...

> Andy wrote:
>> dsi1 said...
>>> Nancy Young wrote:
>>>> Jean B. wrote:
>>>>> sandi wrote:
>>>>>> Don't even know when it starts so can't say what I'll be eating
>>>>>> when.
>>>>> heh. I think yesterday I heard two days, so I am thinking
>>>>> tomorrow. But I don't know whether that comment was heard the day
>>>>> it was uttered, so don't count on that!
>>>> I have a schedule here that says opening ceremonies are on the
>>>> 8th at 8pm. NBC. My DVR says it's 7:30. Whatever.
>>>> nancy
>>> The Chinese consider the number 8 as good luck. How they were able to
>>> swing an opening date of 8-8-08 is way beyond me. I think the games are
>>> actually scheduled to start a 8:08 although I don't know which time

>>> that would be.

>> That would be 8:08am EDT. Putting the opening ceremonies at 8:08PM in
>> Beijing, China.

> You sure? We're getting the opening ceremonies here in PDT in the 8 PM
> time slot, and I though they were live.


You're 15 hours behind China time. 8pm PDT would put the opening ceremonies
on Saturday morning if it were live. Today is the day.

The Today Show said they won't give away the opening ceremonies this

It seems the U.S.A. viewers will probably see them at 8:08pm in each
respective time zone. In the spirit of the 08/08/08 at 8:08pm China's
"Lucky 8" numerology?

It's probably live on a webcam somewhere.

