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cybercat cybercat is offline
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Default Sirloin Tip Roast for Sandwiches?

I scored several USDA Choice Sirloin tip roasts yesterday at $1.99 a pound.
They're 3-4 pound roasts. I have lots of things to do with them, but
wondered if anyone here has prepared them for thinly sliced sandwich meat.

I can see it if I just roast them rare, but my husband will only eat
medium-well done beef. (I know, I know...) Is there a way to do this
(besides braising and having hunks of juicy beef) so that the meat is
medium-well done and not tough?

(Yes I know, sirloin is "too good for braising," and all that crap. Not the
question here, I'm asking about oven-roasting the thing to medium well and
having it be tenderr.)
