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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Eating sushi & sashimi with fingers

cshenk wrote:
> "Julia Altshuler" wrote
>> "Well, I thought Julia was going to have a sushi dinner with Japanese
>> people. So what I told her was the advise for non-Japanese person who
>> may not know how to dip the side of sushi into soy sauce in a proper
>> way. These folks who have gone to Japan are actually right. Japanese
>> would eat sushi with fingers. I would."

> Interesting! Perhaps it was the area I was in, (Sasebobo in south western
> Kyushu and Okinawa mostly) but it was always hashi. I saw only small
> children eat with the fingers (at least in public).
> No one seemed to mind though if a 'gaijin' used the fingers on the nori
> wrapped type. Heck, even seen a few use a fork to spear it which makes the
> locals giggle. Me, I learned to handle chopsticks by the time I was 6 and
> Don is pretty close to the same as well as Charlotte (our 14yo).

I was in Tokyo and didn't see folks using their fingers. That was
in the early 80s. I guess the transition from fingers to hashi
was pretty much complete by then. And actually, even though my
daughter and I eat at Japanese restaurants, frequented by Japanese
people, very frequently, I have only once seen a person use their
fingers, and that was a gaijin.

Jean B.