On Fri, 08 Aug 2008 18:43:09 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> wrote:
>On Fri 08 Aug 2008 08:00:43a, Lou Decruss told us...
>> I've got a few too. I've never bought one new. I see them at resale
>> stores and garage sales all the time. Here's a very odd sized one.
>> You can do anything from make soup to making Italian beef. It works
>> great for steaming a bunch of tamales. I've always heard them called
>> speckleware.
>> http://i36.tinypic.com/kecfms.jpg
>> Lou
>Yes, that is an odd one, Lou. I've never seen one quite like that. It
>looks ideal for the purposes you mentioned.
I think I paid 3 bucks for it so I guess it was a good score after 10
or so years.
>I think many years ago they make a much larger variety of pieces. Granite
>ware was pretty standard cooking equipment back in the day. There were
>probably several different names for that type of porcelain finish.
>My dad's mother had a large and varied collection of graniteware that she
>used on her wood cookstove.
I remember seeing lots of it too. I wish I had the foresight to grab
some when they passed away.