"sid derra" > wrote in message
> "katie" > wrote in message
> able.rogers.com...
> > hello all,
> > returned from my adventures. was worried about finding veg food in the
> > of schnitzel, but there turned out to be veg restuarants all over the
> > and really awesome ones too. the best part was that most of the ones i
> > to were very vegan friendly but also had lacto-ovo options and one even
> > fish, which was good since my dad was able to find food to his liking.
> > fave was a place called the bio bar, they had this awesome dish
> > the most yummy thing i've ever eaten in my life) which was beer battered
> > tofu served with this vegetable curry-ish concoction - seemed like a
> > and lentil thing with these itty bitty potatoes in it. soooooo
> > i've got to try to make that. one thing though is that when the chef is
> > different, the same thing ordered on the menu comes out almost
> > different; different vegetables and everything. that's kinda weird, but
> > good for variety if you're a regular, i guess. they also had some
> > desserts. still have a chunk of their nougat sitting in my fridge - you
> > only eat a tiny bit of that stuff at a time, it's so good. another good
> > place was inkal, it had really delish bruschetta, and i tried a vegan
> > schnitzel there (which was tasty, but all that wheat gluten & side fries
> > didn't sit well with me!) the most posh place we went to was called
> > good food, great presentation. a really nice atmosphere. they had
> > really good non-deep-fried springrolls in a rice wrapper. and a yummy
> > tofukebab. the only other place i really went to was a veg-friendly
> > place, this huge 2-storey place that had neat decorating, i think it was
> > called go wok. their menu had a good legend on it for what was
> > pretty tasty food too. anyhow, i found all but the last of these
> > restaurants on the happy cow website (there are many more out there, but
> > didn't wind up finding them). here's the link:
> > http://www.happycow.net/index.html
> funny - i just went to eat at a vegan restaurant in vienna on saturday.
you are
> right... vienna is a pretty vegan friendly place... especially considering
> typical austrian cuisine. if you havent tried the following restaurant yet
> should come back some time you HAVE to try the restaurant VEGETASIA (there
> actually 2 in vienna). they have about 140(!) different meals - approx.
85% of
> them are vegan, all the others are marked "with eggs" etc and they will
try to
> turn those into vegan dishes as well...
i had vegetasia on my list, but i just didn't run into it. did there used
to be one in the nachtsmarket? because i saw a veg restaurant there, but
when i went to it, it was all closed up. thought it might have been one of
> it basically is an asian restaurant (it says something about taiwan in the
> menu), actually fancy enough for business meetings, but still very comfy
> also affordable. it was just great. the menu features pretty much any meal
> can imagine: some fish - even eel, variations of duck and chicken and of
> the classic asian cuisine as well. i had a baked chicken with roasted
> and a rice cake with sweet beansauce and poppy seeds as dessert. the best
meal i
> had in austria in years. all together cost incl. a drink eur 16,55.
> wrenkh is very well known all throughout the country and it is THE
> restaurant in austria. i have never been to the bio bar - did you try the
> vegetarian "wuerstelstand" (= "sausage stand" - a kinda classic austrian
> that sells vegan and vegetarian snacks such as franks, etc)? it is pretty
> known as well - still i avent made it to either of these places so far...
> next time.
didn't come across it, although i did see a funny ad for those veg sausages
in a tourism magazine.
> where are you from originally?
i'm from ottawa, ontario, in canada. a pretty veg-friendly place as well.
> rock on - sid