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Victor Sack[_1_] Victor Sack[_1_] is offline
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Default What foreigners eat

hahabogus > wrote:

> (Victor Sack) wrote:
> > I also wonder if he would use a knife and fork with a panino con la
> > porchetta in Rome. Here is a example of one:
> > <>.

> Looks like what I had for lunch...a smoked pork butt sandwich

Yes, it would surely look very similar. The taste would be different,
though. Porchetta is made with the whole, ideally suckling, boned pig
and it is not smoked but roasted on a spit over charcoal or in the oven.
Here is a classic Bartolomeo Scappi recipe from 1570. Today's recipes
are usually very much simplified, of course, but you get the idea...


Here is also a good explanation of what porchetta is supposed to be:
