Stop Me Before I Shop Again!
Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
> On Fri, 8 Aug 2008 20:57:47 -0400, "cybercat" >
> fired up random neurons and synapses to opine:
>>You can spend locally and support the economy without wasting money.
>>Someone needs to tell this stupid bitch that this is just not cute.
>>It's just not.
> My, my, this certainly seems to have gotten your panties in a wad. Why
> do you care whether I choose to waste or conserve my money? It's my
> money, I earn it and I have enough of it to indulge myself upon
> occasion. I was attempting a self-deprecating post regarding a "retail
> therapy" outing at BB&B.
> Get. A. Grip.
Heh. Someone needs to tell cybercat that she's suffering from a simple
case of envy (and a few others here too, judging by some of the posts
in this thread).
Chatty Cathy
Egg tastes better when it's not on your face...