Stop Me Before I Shop Again!
Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
> "ChattyCathy" > wrote in message
>> I get the distinct impression that Jimmy Choo handbags don't seem to
>> appeal to you, which of course, is your prerogative. FWIW, I probably
>> wouldn't rush out and buy one either - I'm not much into handbags.
>> But... surely there must be *something* you've bought (or would like
>> to buy if you could afford it) that others may think is a total waste
>> of money (and sense)?
> I'm sure most of us want or have something that is seemingly silly to
> others. Including me. Very few of us, though make a point to tell
> others
> about it as a form of gamesmanship. Spending a third of a Christmas
> bonus on an expensive bag is a sly way of bragging how big the bonus
> was.
I'm afraid I am just as guilty of 'bragging' about my DO. I started a
thread about it on r.f.c. when I got it, in fact. I was just so
thrilled to have it, I didn't occur to me that some folks might think I
was just 'showing off' that I could afford it. (DH bought it for me as
a birthday present, but it's the same thing, IMHO.)
> I make a lot more money that some people, but yet I still make a lot
> less
> than others. So what? I made my choices and I'm happy with them. I
> know people that make a good wage and struggle to buy the latest of
> everything, I know others worth millions that are content driving a
> Chevy and watching a
> 19" portable TV. They prove the difference between being rich and
> being
> wealthy. Material goods are nice to have but they don't equate to
> happiness.
This is true. But sometimes having good quality stuff (be it
cooking-related or not) can be very satisfying, not to mention saving
money in the long run.
> Enjoy your Dutch oven. IMO, a better investment than the sticks.
I do enjoy having it immensely. If you're ever in this 'neck of the
woods' I'll be happy to cook a meal for you using my DO. And yes, DS is
welcome to his sticks ;-)
Chatty Cathy
Egg tastes better when it's not on your face...