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Dimitri Dimitri is offline
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Default Best Hot Dogs/Hot Sausage question

"Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
> Dimitri said...
>> "Steve Pope" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Andy <q> wrote:
>>>> I've been eager to try Papaya King and Grey's Papaya in uptown
>>>> Manhattan, as seen on Food TV.
>>> Gray's Papaya (if they stil exist, at least some have changed
>>> to other names) are pretty good, if it's skinny hot dogs
>>> you want. Not as good as dogs you get in Chicago or Rochester
>>> but those are a different, fatter style.
>>> A feature of the Gray's Papaya operation is the grilled onions.
>>> Be sure to ask for them when you order.
>>> Steve

>> Burned Nathans from the side of the grill.
>>:-) lots of green relish.
>> Dimitri

> For real?!?
> Andy

At Nathans, quite often the grill (or griddle) is always going and has lots
of hot dogs. Sometimes the dogs do not sell as quickly as the grill person
would anticipate. Ergo off to the side there are the burnt or charred dogs.

IMHO better then the others.

In addition Nathans had a fluorescent green relish. Very good stuff.

Yes really.
