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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default I gained to much weight

TFM® wrote:

> "Blinky the Shark" > wrote in message
> news
>> Goomba wrote:
>>> kilikini wrote:
>>>> LOL. I'm a 40 year old grandma, and I've never had a child. (Okay,
>>>> step-grandma.) <g>
>>>> kili
>>> Ya wanna talk PWT? Loretta Lynn was a GRANDMOTHER at age 28!! She had
>>> her first kid at 14, and her kid had a kid at 14.

>> PWT?

> Poor White Trash.
> Of course I in no way associate myself with the OP claiming Loretty was PWT.
> She was and is the Queen of country music (R.I.P) <Country music, that is>

Yikes! When I read that paragraph, having not looked higher up there in
the quoted stuff, when I read "Loretty" and then "country music", instead
of recognizing the reference to Loretta Lynn, I flashed on Mary Kay Place
on "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman", playing Loretta Haggers, Mary Hartman's
next door neighbor who was a country singer wannabe (who actually did get
local gigs). <shakes head, hopes that recalibrates it>

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