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Arri London Arri London is offline
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Default Potato croquettes anyone ??

Sky wrote:
> The August 2008 issue of Gourmet magazine has an interesting recipe
> called -- guess what it is <G> ---
> -- <G> This recipe really intrigues me.

> Has anyone made potato croquettes before? Any hints, tips or tricks? I
> have some mashed potatoes that I made last night and want to try to make
> these.
> Sky, who enjoys discussions about food ;D

Very Dutch! Great snack food as well as a good thing to go with roast

Here is a Dutch recipe (in translation ):

3 lbs potatoes
3 egg yolks
1 egg
salt and pepper to taste

Cook and mash the potatoes, let cool and add the egg yolks.
Mix well and add salt, pepper and nutmeg.
Use a pastry bag with a large tip to pipe long 'strings' or cylinders
onto aluminium foil and refrigerate.
Cut the strings into desired size. Roll them in flour, dip them in
beaten egg and roll in the breadcrumbs.
Refrigerate until ready to cook. Deep fry (175 C) until golden brown and

Eet smakelijk!