Duh'Wayne is a LIAR! was Question about cast iron
Denise in NH wrote:
> Here's a question for you folks who seem to know all the whys and
> wherefores of dishwashing chemicals.
> My husband put the metal beater from my KitchenAid stand mixer into
> the dishwasher the other day, without my knowledge.
As far as I'm concerned, that's the Only way to wash beaters.
> It came out
> loaded with what looked like white pretzel salt. The raised deposits
> come right off with a damp towel, but I was wondering just what it
> is. I usually wash all of my mixer parts by hand.
Is your dishwasher detergent old? Because it sounds as if it's not
desolving. No idea what other thing might cause that. It's only on
the beaters? Were they situated in a way that they didn't get enough
Dishwasher detergent does get old. It's one thing I wouldn't stock
up on, too much.