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Wayne Boatwright Wayne Boatwright is offline
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Default Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk in Macaroni Salad

On Sun 10 Aug 2008 09:53:45a, Tara told us...

> On Sun, 10 Aug 2008 16:26:41 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> > wrote:
>>Harkening back to the Macaroni Salad thread...
>>A brief session with Google yielded numerous recipes for macaroni salad
>>that specifically called for Borden's *Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed
>>Milk*. Most also included a significant amount of vinegar and
>>mayonnaise, and some also include sour cream. Most also include various
>>veggies; e.g., carrots, green pepper, etc.
>>I've concluded that all of these recipes yield a sweet/sour salad which
>>some might find appealing. I prefer mine to be a bit more savory.

> I know that I have seen in one of my Junior League or church
> fundraiser cookbooks a salad dressing that contains, among other
> ingredients, condensed milk and mustard powder. I guess it would be
> a sweet and sour, honey mustard type dressing.
> Tara

It does sound that way, doesn't it?

Date: August 10th,2008

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