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cybercat cybercat is offline
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Default Stop Me Before I Shop Again!

"sarah gray" > wrote in message
. 102...
> "cybercat" > wrote in
> :
>> "maxine in ri" > wrote :
>>>> > Maybe it was the Green Monster rearing it's ugly head?
>>>> You usually show better sense, Maxine.
>>> Sure, and I donate to a number of what I believe are good causes, but
>>> I don't mention it here (usually) because it's not particularly on-
>>> topic
>>> (unless it happens to be a challenge to fill up the food banks before
>>> back-to-school, or donating goods to the shelter so people can set
>>> up homes when they are able to afford someplace else to sleep).
>>> Everyone has their breakpoint of what they consider fun spending,
>>> (whether it's $1 for an item at a yard sale or flea market, or
>>> $1000 for some bauble that you or I would find absurd) so why
>>> crab about what a Jerk you think she was?

>> Can you READ? It is not the expense, it is the admission that she knew
>> things there are overpriced and the display of this waste. It's
>> disgusting.

> As if your attitude is not? At least Shldon is knowledgeable and often
> on-topic and humorous (if also obnoxious)
>>>What's the point?

>> The point is, it's revolting. I am actually embarrassed for Terry
>> because somehow she thinks this is just adorable behavior.

> Just replace that with "cybercat" and think about it for a second.
>> Here's a promise: if she stops posting things that nauseate me, I am
>> likely to stop voicing my disgust.

> Ah, irony.
>> And since you once again pointedly missed the point, **** you. Pick
>> better battles.

> Oh shut up and learn how to ****ing cook already. Obviously, $600 is no
> big deal for Terry. Good on her. Like you never buy things impulsively
> and semi-regret it later? She can obviously afford it, or she wouldn't
> find it funny. I found it a lot more interesting than some of the
> "recipes" and "food" you brag about.
> Saerah

Thanks for your input. Looks good on you. Really good.