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sarah gray sarah gray is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 405
Default Stop Me Before I Shop Again!

"cybercat" > wrote in

> "sarah gray" > wrote in message
> . 102...
>> "cybercat" > wrote in
>> :
>>> Okay, okay. I'll send you the $4.95 for teranews access. All you had
>>> to do was ask.
>>> lol

>> Notice that I'm broke, but not bitching about other's good fortune.

> What I notice is that you are defending a twit who has less money than
> most people who post here but thinks it is just precious to display
> the fact that she wastes what she has and considers it "therapy," when
> there are people who live around the corner from her who can't feed
> their kids and are losing everything.

Are *you* volunteering at a food bank?
And what about the starving children in Asia?
I mean, hell, people in this newsgroup talk all the time about
ingredients and equipment that cost a pretty penny; how is this

> Are you hoping what you see as a "wealthy" person might toss you a
> crumb if you defend her?

Um, no. But now that you mention it, hey Terry, wanna pay for my
teranews subscription?
(hint: I'm joking)

> You are more sickening than Terry is.
> Most of the people who find these displays the most disgusting are
> people who could buy and sell a goddamned paralegal.

Is this where you want people to think you are an heiress or something?
I too, wish I could dump a bunch of cash on random stuff, but I am not
wishing ill on anyone who can. It's not like she lost a bunch of money
at the roulette wheel. From what I can remember, she bought a bunch of
fairly useful stuff, if somewhat overpriced.

> You're an idiot.

Bon mot after bon mot! I wish I was as witty as you are!
