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sarah gray sarah gray is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 405
Default Stop Me Before I Shop Again!

"cybercat" > wrote in

> "sarah gray" > wrote in message
> . 102...
>> "cybercat" > wrote in
>> :
>>> "sarah gray" > wrote
>>>>> You're an idiot.
>>>> Bon mot after bon mot! I wish I was as witty as you are!
>>> If I were you I would work on basic reasoning skills and perhaps
>>> making a living. But that's just me.

>> I get by. I underestimated the (considerable!) expense of putting my
>> daughter in day camp this summer. I suppose it's my fault I'm being
>> ****ed over by the Friend of the Court?

> No, no, dear, of course not. Nothing is ever your fault. I
> particularly admire the causes you espouse, in the form of those you
> choose to defend and the nature of their action. I would suggest that
> in the time it took you to take nearly 600 pictures of the unamazing
> dishes you created you might have found the time to generate a little
> income, but that of course is just a suggestion.

I never said they were "amazing". I certainly wouldn't post recipes for
what amounts to cribbing Sandra Lee and act as if it was.

And seeing as I work 40 hours a week at a job that provides me with free
healthcare on top of a paycheck, I'm not sure how you think I'm not
"generating income". When you are the sole support of a small child,
that doesn't go so far.

>> Whatever, patches.

> Now this is just precious. Did you learn it at the Greg Morrow school
> of Argument Losing?

Why yes! I'm not only the spokesperson, I'm also a client!

>> Saerah

> Pathetically pretentious. Your name is Sarah, like half the other
> women in the world. And you are perfectly unique just like everybody
> else.

Dude, thats the name I use online, stemming froma typo I used to
constantly make. At least I'm not such an asshole that I'm afraid to use
my real name.
