Gregory Morrow wrote:
> metspitzer wrote:
>> I take it no posting from aioe?
>> I get a banned message when I try.
> is on the aioe "banlist" because of a SPURIOUS complaint by
> Steve Wertz aka "sqwertz"...he was too LAZY to use killfiles to block spam,
> so like the tiny man - child that the is he had to go and complain to them.
> It's no wonder that Steve's "career" is now designing glory holes in
> bathrooms, he apparently couldn't hack it in IT...he cannot even effectively
> filter spam from his in - box.
> <snicker>
> I've not noticed much spam on rfc these days so maybe contacting
> and asking that the ban be lifted might work. You could email them or ask
> on, the guy who owns aioe posts there...
> Natcherly netKKKop Steve Wertz will go into "action" mode to prevent this.
> Steve is a lazy putz, it's not to wonder about...
Some servers block aioe because of abuse by its users (no registration;
spam friendly). So it's probably a better idea to move to another server
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