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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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Posts: 5,762
Default Stop Me Before I Shop Again!

dsi1 wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> dsi1 wrote:
>>> Husbands enjoy fixing stuff about the house - make sure you make a
>>> big deal about how clever he is. I myself fixed the washer today
>>> but have yet to receive the accolades I so richly deserve. Looks
>>> like I'll have to bring up the washer during breakfast...

>> Well, I'm impressed! Does that count?

> I'm not sure - that's a complex question. :-)
> I'm an old dude but find that I can still be of some use around here
> by repairing the appliances. This should appeal to guys who in their
> younger days, did car repairs. It uses the same skill set but has the
> advantage of not having to work out in the elements and it will
> usually only take an hour or two to complete.

And if you need something while you're fixing them, you're not
stuck without a ride to the parts store! Yes, I see what you mean.

> My last repair was
> replacing the switch that stops the spin cycle if the lid is opened.
> The job was complicated by the vinyl sheathed connector being fused
> together. **snore** This should keep me feeling useful for a few
> days... :-)

And you saved the price of a new washer. It's all good.
