Thread: cooking frenzy
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Default cooking frenzy

Nancy wrote:
>I cooked up a storm on Friday. My daughter had her soccer team picnic that
>night and I had to bring something.
>I made a Black Bean and rice salad. Basically the same recipe I posted as
>Tortilla Salad a few weeks ago. I don't make it the same every. I also made
>Nori Rolls. I use the recipe from "How it all Vegan" but I use Brown Rice
>syrup instead of Maple, and Rice Vinegar instead of Cider. I stuffed them
>with avocado. They were a great hit.
> Then I veganized My Mom's Coffee Bar recipe. I'll try to post that one
>I'm off to the park with my children now.

Hi Nancy! Vegan coffee bars sound delish! I'm going to have to try to
recreate a frozen food item that I had was 'manchurian dumplings'
in a tangy garlic sauce made by Green Guru...very tasty. Short list of
ingredients and already vegan, but I know I can make it at home for less &
fresh. Now that the weather is getting hot, I probably won't be doing too much
cooking though.

I'm off to search for a Lebanese salad dressing recipe...tried a local Lebanese
place the other night for the first time and it was awesome...had gone by the
hotel that it's in for years but never realised that they had a fantastic
restaurant inside.

