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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default let's talk egg salad

Wayne Boatwright said...

> On Sun 10 Aug 2008 07:32:49p, Andy told us...
>> Wayne Boatwright said...
>>> On Sun 10 Aug 2008 07:18:15p, Andy told us...
>>>> Wayne Boatwright said...
>>>>> On Sun 10 Aug 2008 07:04:22p, Andy told us...
>>>>>> Wayne Boatwright said...
>>>>>>> I chop the eggs *very* fine, finely diced celery, onion or chopped
>>>>>>> scallion, a scant teaspoon of pickle relish, a sprinkle of celery
>>>>>>> seed, salt, and pepper. I use only enough mayo to moisten the
>>>>>>> mixture.
>>>>>> Wayne,
>>>>>> You reminded me of the egg slicer gizmo trick. slice a hardboiled

>>>>>> then rotate it 90 degrees and slice it again. Instant minced egg.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Andy
>>>>> Actually, that's usually what I use, but after that I mash it a bit
>>>>> more with a fork. If I'm only making a couple of eggs, I just use

>>>>> fork. But for larger quantities the egg slicer is really an

> expedient.
>>>> I wish there was a slicer big enough to mince avocado halves but they
>>>> fall apart pretty readily with a fork as well.
>>>> Andy
>>> There is an avocado slicer that would give you a head start in chopping
>>> or mincing them.

>> Wayne,
>> Yes! I've seen that in the Fantés store. You gotta have a perfectly

> shaped
>> avocado for it to work without leaving pulp behind. Again, the fork

> rules.
>> Thanks,
>> Andy

> Do you mean to say that all avocados are not perfect? :-)


Have you tried a Florida avocado lately?
