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RegForte RegForte is offline
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Posts: 426
Default Home Mixed Mustard ?


> I've found a few directions for mixing Chinese style mustard at home, they all say to
> add a little vinegar or wine to stop ( stabilize) the chemical reaction that makes it
> spicy. None of them give a clue how much to add.
> So I'm open to suggestions from anybody experienced at mixing their own.

Personally I don't bother trying to stabilize it. Chinese style is so easy
to make I prepare it as needed.

Also, vinegar doesn't stabilize the heat factor, refrigeration does
(to an extent). Try adding vinegar and compare it to the same recipe
made without it. The batch with vinegar will taste like it has vinegar,
but that's about it.

When I mix mustard I leave it out until the heat tones down to
where I want it, then I refrigerate it. This can be up to two weeks,
depending on the recipe.