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dsi1[_2_] dsi1[_2_] is offline
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Default Home Mixed Mustard ?

> I've found a few directions for mixing Chinese style mustard at home, they all say to
> add a little vinegar or wine to stop ( stabilize) the chemical reaction that makes it
> spicy. None of them give a clue how much to add.

You should experiment. Make different batches using varying proportions
of vinegar and water to see which one you like best. It seems a shame to
to keep mustard from developing it's full potential. Mustard abuse?

Personally, I like my hot mustard fully developed and unstable as a
Manson family sleep-over. Coleman's Mustard works fine - I mix a small
batch in a rice bowl - use only cold water. I mix it thick because we
always dilute it with shoyu. I invert the bowl onto a plate and let it
rest and do it's chemical reaction thing. My father taught me that one -
he got it from his cook friend. It's a cute little ritual to retain the
volatiles. :-)

> So I'm open to suggestions from anybody experienced at mixing their own.