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notbob notbob is offline
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Default festival food crap!

Took Mom to a downtown festival, Sat. How utterly depresssing. :|

It was supposed to be the Buena Vista Gold Rush Days Festival. It looked
more like the BV crap/food vendor rush of ought eight. We are all familiar
with the downtown festivals of all types that purport to be of some
social/historical origin, but are primarily to suck the funds out of every
rube's pocket. This was right on schedule.

I got to thinking about this reading the french fry thread. Well, there's a
new kid in town! A continous single twist-cut potato chip deep fried all at
once and piled onto a plate like some grease-twist mountain. No doubt tasty
for grease fiends and brilliantly easy to do. Twist cut, deep fry, and
serve.... only FIVE FREAKIN' DOLLARS!!

Sorry, I was a bit shaken, there, but I couldn't believe the prices being
charged for food at this place. Almost nothing was less than $6!
Hamburgers, tacos, brats, etc. Howzabout an $8 burrito?!!!! The cheapest
thing was a simple hotdog for $4.

These prices are more than the prices charged in a typical SFBA festival, at
least when I left. And don't give me that "gas is expensive" crap. Gas is
typically $.50gal less here in CO.

AFter walking around for about 3 hrs and going to my van to come back and
pick up Mom for the ride home, I passed a hot dog stand on the opposite
corner that was there before the festival and will no doubt be there after
the festival. All prices were 40-50% less than any stand in the festival
for the same item. Are those food vendors jes plain greedy or are they
getting reemed by the town?

I'll not bother to get into the vendors selling plain ol' crap.
