Pasta & Olive Oil
Giusi wrote:
> "Corey Richardson" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>> I'll add this from Italiana UK's "How to cook pasta" page:
>>> Toss it in a Little Oil
>>> And if you are concerned about the pasta sticking together before
>>> reaching the table, toss it in a little oil prior to adding the sauce.
>>> The effect on the waistline is going to be negligible while the oil will
>>> bring a little added richness to the final dish.
>> I agree with that and say that my pasta is coated with oil as I drain
>> it.
> Now the UK knows more than Italy about cooking pasta. No one wants their
> pasta coated in oil unless that is the dish as in pasta agli olio, in which
> case you want RAW oil, not oil that has been boiled in water.
> For me it is not a matter of taste. It's just wrong. You brought this up
> to stir things, ok, they're stirred. You can go eat at a UK Burger King
> now.