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flitterbit flitterbit is offline
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Default Pasta & Olive Oil

George wrote:
> Corey Richardson wrote:
>>> I still fail to see why you want your pasta to be coated with oil.
>>> Jill

>> I'll add this from Italiana UK's "How to cook pasta" page:
>>> Toss it in a Little Oil
>>> And if you are concerned about the pasta sticking together before
>>> reaching the table, toss it in a little oil prior to adding the sauce.
>>> The effect on the waistline is going to be negligible while the oil will
>>> bring a little added richness to the final dish.

>> I agree with that and say that my pasta is coated with oil as I drain
>> it.

> But there are lots lame "tips" such as that that get printed in
> newspapers or appear on websites to fill space but don't really have any
> grounding.
> If you want a great pasta dish you immediately add the drained pasta
> that has been cooked in salted water to the sauce or dressing. This
> accomplishes two things. The pasta absorbs the sauce and it doesn't
> stick together. You can observe anyone who knows how to prepare quality
> pasta and they will use this method. As far as adding extra richness the
> classic method is to drizzle a little quality olive oil on the finished
> dish. None of this is complicated or fancy and dishes are done this way
> millions of times each day.
> Adding oil while cooking the pasta lowers the quality of the dish
> because the oil coats the pasta and prevents the sauce or dressing from
> being absorbed into the pasta and this is even true when the sauce is
> olive oil + spices etc because you want the pasta to absorb the infused
> oil.

Well said; thank you!