Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk in Macaroni Salad
blake murphy wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Aug 2008 13:27:55 -0400, Jean B. wrote:
>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>> Harkening back to the Macaroni Salad thread...
>>> A brief session with Google yielded numerous recipes for macaroni salad that
>>> specifically called for Borden's *Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk*.
>>> Most also included a significant amount of vinegar and mayonnaise, and some
>>> also include sour cream. Most also include various veggies; e.g., carrots,
>>> green pepper, etc.
>>> I've concluded that all of these recipes yield a sweet/sour salad which some
>>> might find appealing. I prefer mine to be a bit more savory.
>> The thought is NOT appealing. I am sure I would find the origin
>> of this in some condensed milk publication.
> maybe wwii-era? i don't have any real reason to think this, though.
> your pal,
> blake
That's an interesting thought. Now I do wish my booklets were
more organized.
Jean B.