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notbob notbob is offline
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Default festival food crap!

On 2008-08-11, Janet Bostwick > wrote:

> A neighbor does roasted almonds. This year his booth cost on the West Coast
> is $850 per day. Gotta sell a lot of almonds to cover that.
> Janet

I wondered about the economics of these festivals/fairs. Since the primary
point seems to be the vendors and not the alleged theme of said fair (art,
food, history, etc), I have to assume these municipalities have it all
worked out as to how much $$$ they are going to reap and how much they will
charge vendors for the privilege of shaking down the rubes. Eight-fifty
seems quite high, since some of these vendors look like they don't gross one
quarter that, but I guess it depends on the locale/event and what you're
selling. In the end, I can see no reason for these events other than to
fill town coffers, so I'm sure the vendors pay dearly for their spot and
have to charge accordingly and that more than just simple greed was the
determining factor on the absurd price points.

Anyone else having any info on the economics of fair/festival vendors?
