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Default ravioli attachment

On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 14:54:41 GMT, Allan Matthews
> wrote:

>I have the tray type made by Villa Ware but after I roll across the
>top of the tray to trim the dough, the dough sticks to the tray and I
>have trouble getting the ravioli free. Looked up new attachments and
>read reviews, Half said they worked, but other half said not worth
>anything. Sounds like you have had experience enough for me to
>listen. Thanks for info but guess I'll forget this on Maybe if I
>flour the bottom of the dough better it won't stick.

I was going to suggest a nonstick spray. The old fashioned way of
fingers seems more appropriate to me. Once you've done a few, it's
not hard to be uniform.

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