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Lynn from Fargo Lynn from Fargo is offline
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Default Introduction

On Aug 12, 11:01*am, EZ Larry > wrote:
> Hello,
> I recently posted a question about my warped All-Clad pan which
> spawned a flurry of replies for which I thank the respondents. But,
> since I haven't been around these parts for a few years, I thought I'd
> say hello and give an introduction. I'm 59, live in St. Louis,
> remarried just a couple of years ago to a wonderful woman, and I do
> nearly all the cooking in the house while she prefers to do the
> cleaning up. I'm more of a gourmand than a gourmet, although we've
> both taken to eating less fattening foods, as we've had to join Weight
> Watchers to lose the pounds we've gained over the years. I'm not a
> chef by any stretch, but most folks enjoy what I serve. I suppose I
> get most raves for my barbecue.
> Last evening for dinner I soaked some frozen Orange Roughy in salt
> water to thaw and moisten, dried them, olive oiled them and dusted
> them with two different Pennsey's blends, then pan-fried them in olive
> oil. I managed to get them off the heat at just the right time, and
> they were still moist and tender. Red potatoes were sliced in half,
> olive oiled, then dusted with Pennzey's 4S, and microwaved. Sometimes
> I'll finish them on the grill, but last evening there wasn't time.
> Vegetable was a can of sweet baby peas to which I added kosher salt,
> and at the last minute I got a wild idea to add a dose of Pennzey's
> cinnamon, which actually tasted pretty good.
> Good to see some familiar names as well as some new ones here.
> --
> EZ Larry from St. Louis


Welcome aboard, Larry!

From your post I discern several things:
1 You have reached an advanced and praiseworthy age.
2 You do know quite a bit about food.
3 You don't know TOO much about food - so you won't be puffed-up
and pompous like SOME people around here ;-)

I can tell these qualities because:
1 You are exactly my age (or within one year).
2 You are familiar with quality ingredients,
3 Penzey's has only one 'N'.

Lynn from Fargo